Sixteen Candles is a classic 1984 coming-of-age comedy film directed by John Hughes. It tells the story of a high school student named Samantha Baker (Molly Ringwald) who is turning 16 and is hoping that her family and crush will remember her birthday. However, her family is too preoccupied with her older sister’s wedding to […]VIEW POST
Echo & The Bunnymen, one of Liverpool's finest exports, exploded onto the 80s music scene with their dark, moody, Doors-inspired psychedelic beats. Orchestrated by enigmatic frontman Ian McCulloch, the band would be propelled from cult status to mainstream success with a string of memorable hits including The Cutter, Never Stop and The Killing Moon. VIEW POST
Join us on our 80s nostalgia trip as we look back to when "shiny suits" were sexy, "mullets" were cool and sunglasses could definitely be worn after dark. VIEW POST