Sixteen Candles is a classic 1984 coming-of-age comedy film directed by John Hughes. It tells the story of a high school student named Samantha Baker (Molly Ringwald) who is turning 16 and is hoping that her family and crush will remember her birthday. However, her family is too preoccupied with her older sister’s wedding to […]VIEW POST
Tags : 1984
On March 23, 1984, the first Police Academy movie was released in cinemas. Starring Stevie Guttenberg and Kim Cattrall, the movie was the first in the franchise. Due to the movie’s phenomenal success, a further 6 sequels followed plus a TV Series. Enjoy this look back at the cast members in 1984 and see where […]VIEW POST
Think you know your UK No.1 hits from 1984? Then why not test yourself with our "80s Music Quiz | UK No. 1 Hits From 1984 - Who Sang Them?"VIEW POST